Homesĭtē Exchanges (Clothing & Recipe) continue

Homesĭtē Exchanges (Clothing & Recipe) continue
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Sunday, August 23, 2009


Homesĭtē (pronounced Home-site or Home-city) was conceived by Joyce Dallal and Lauren M. Kasmer in 1990 and funded in part by a Los Angeles Cultural Affairs Grant. It is a continuously evolving public participatory art project that creates a collective statement exploring ideas of home in relation to the city of Los Angeles. The piece provides a framework for residents of the city to add their own perspective by contributing to it in the form of stories, statements, visual items, and small tableaus. Homesite has been exhibited at such diverse venues as shopping malls, a cafe, a theater, and galleries and museums from San Pedro to Woodland Hills. It was last exhibited at the Japanese-American Museum in 1998 and will be exhibited again in 2009/10.

For a historical article on Homesite please view the
Homesite article of 1992 in the Los Angeles Times :