Homesĭtē Exchanges (Clothing & Recipe) continue

Homesĭtē Exchanges (Clothing & Recipe) continue
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Wednesday, September 16, 2009

HOMESITE at the BREWERY Fall Artwalk October 2009 + BARNSDALL

HOMESITE, the art installation, by Joyce Dallal and Lauren M. Kasmer, will be on display at the BREWERY 2009 FALL ARTWALK on October 24 + 25 , from 11 am - 6 pm at the Studio of Joyce Dallal: 600 Moulton #301.
The HOMESITE CLOTHING EXCHANGE, a brand new public participatory art project will be initiated and documented at the Brewery. More details upcoming.
The HOMESITE RECIPE EXCHANGE will begin online soon and have a participatory event next year while Homesite is on view at Actions, Conversations, and Intersections.
This exhibition explores the participatory practices of over 60 Los Angeles based artists and organizations at the Los Angeles Municipal Art Gallery, January 28 - April 18, 2010.